Slot Machine Javascript Text

Posted : admin On 3/17/2022

jSlots is 2k of jQuery slot machine magic. It turns any list (<ol> or <ul>) into a slot machine!


If the slot's content isn't defined when the element is included in the markup, or if the browser doesn't support slots, just contains the fallback content 'My default text'. To define the slot's content, we include an HTML structure inside the element with a slot attribute whose value is equal to the name of the. But a real slot machine doesn't just randomly display every possible combination. For example, if three sevens pays out more often than three cherries, then the slot machine is designed to show the three sevens much less frequently. After all, the goal of the slot machine is for the house to make money.

These are the options, with their default values, and what they do


Slot Machine Javascript Text

May 23, 2011 Recently somebody talked to me about creating a slot machine. I looked on the web and could not find any good slot machine implementation in javascript. So I decided to write a quick one. My implementation uses jquery and a couple of jquery plugins for animation. Spritely is a wonderful jquery plugin for background animation.

Attach jQuery (successfully tested down to v1.4.1)

Attach jSlots plugin

Attach easing plugin (optional but HIGHLY recommended for nice animation)

Create a list and an element that will spin the slots

Slot Machine Javascript Text

Target the list and make it a jSlot!

Styling is up to you, but jSlots supplies a jSlots-wrapper div around your lists that should get overflow: hidden and a height set on it. Here are some recommended styles:


The HTML <slot> element—part of the Web Components technology suite—is a placeholder inside a web component that you can fill with your own markup, which lets you create separate DOM trees and present them together.

Content categoriesFlow content, phrasing content
Permitted contentTransparent
Tag omissionNone, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parentsAny element that accepts phrasing content
Implicit ARIA roleNo corresponding role
Permitted ARIA rolesNo role permitted
DOM interfaceHTMLSlotElement
Slot machine javascript


This element includes the global attributes.

The slot's name.
A named slot is a <slot> element with a name attribute.


Javascript Textbox

Note: You can see this complete example in action at element-details (see it running live). In addition, you can find an explanation at Using templates and slots.

Slot Machine Javascript Text Generator


HTML Living Standard
The definition of '<slot>' in that specification.
Living Standard
The definition of 'Slots' in that specification.
Living Standard

Browser compatibility

Slot Machine Javascript Text Download

BCD tables only load in the browser